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pen in sketchbook - pilot p-500 extra fine
This week's topic for Illustration Friday is Mask.
The other night, I had this dream of a masked man with an epee. Today, I continued the dream during my morning break at work...then sketched him while taking the train home.

pen in sketchbook - pilot p-500 extra fine
Dreams are a wonderful thing.
digital painting - Corel Painter
Back in March of 2006, I came up with some concepts for a weekly sketch group topic Evolution. The original idea I had was how fish would eventually evolve into flying creatures. I believe Da Vinci had postulated the same theory, but no one took him seriously. Since the topic this week for the Illustration Friday is INVENTION, I decided to take one of my original sketches and paint it.

If you are curious, you can see my other Flying Fish concept sketches here.
This time of year, one should be careful what they advertise.
digital illustration - Corel Painter
This is my second Illustration Friday submission. TOPIC = Thanksgiving
digital painting - corel painter.
concept pen sketch on blue steno pad.Now that work has slowed down a bit and my freelance gigs are all completed, I had some time to play more with Painter.
I based this sketch of a duck with rubbers and a rain coat from wooden sculptures I saw in an store window two weeks ago. They were of a mama duck and her chicks all dressed in rain coats and hats with tiny foot rubbers. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.
My first submission to the Illustration Friday site.
Sketched with Derwent graphite 4b, Prismacolor greys and thin lines with my friend, Mr. Pilot P-500.
I've been struggling with coloring the Mariachi sketch in Painter. I'll chip away at it more this weekend :).
I wanna try coloring this in Painter. Wish me luck!
This is my first attempt at coloring with Corel Painter. I wanted to take this application for a spin, figure out the dense interface and play around with the pens and brushes. I've always wanted to try it, but I never had a wacom. Now that I dove in and picked up the Intuos 3, I have no more excuses :)
See the original pen sketch here.

While updating my computer, I found some old photos deep in the hard drive from 2003. I was sent to Asia to take some pics. I had a blast.
Read more about it here.
See the photo galleries here.
More sketches and animation to come :)
Been a while... what the heck causes a BIOS error anyway? haha...
I'm thinking about trying to color this one. hmmm.